About Green Built Alliance
Green Built Alliance founded
Green Built Alliance began as a gathering of five building professionals, bonded by a common desire to educate others on the environmental impacts of design and construction. Since then, we have educated thousands of building professionals and homeowners about building science and weatherization. We offer classes and technical trainings, and work with local governments and utilities to incentivize green building and energy efficiency. In addition, we administer an affordable, local Green Building home certification program called Green Built Homes.
Appalachian Offsets relaunched
We relaunched the Appalachian Offsets program, which gives local people and businesses an option to offset their carbon footprints by supporting local clean-energy projects. Appalachian Offsets’ largest success so far is the installation of a 300 KW solar system at Isaac Dickson Elementary School in spring 2021.
Blue Horizons Project launched
We launched Blue Horizons Project alongside our work on the Energy Innovation Task Force. The program’s goal is to support Buncombe County’s efforts to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2040, through improving access to and engagement in the region’s clean energy programs and resources.
Energy Savers Network started
We assumed management of Energy Savers Network, which offers energy-efficiency upgrades to low-income homes. After previously serving as the program’s fiscal sponsor, we are now the exclusive implementer of Energy Savers Network in Western North Carolina, and have weatherized over 900 homes across the region.
Green Built Homes expands to include Regenerative and Net Zero certifications
We rolled out Green Built Homes Version 3.0 with a new version of the checklist that places more emphasis on regenerative elements, including the addition of a Net Zero Water Ready Certification and a pilot Regenerative Certification. Also in 2021, Green Built Alliance marked the milestone of 2,000 projects certified through the Green Built Homes system and introduced the Regenerative Professional Accreditation credential that acknowledges a deep, evolving competency in advanced green-building best practices.
Engage with us!​
Please write or call us with your questions or comments about Green Built Alliance. We recommend that you use our form below so that we can direct you to the right person who can answer your questions based on the nature of your inquiry.
Mailing Address
Green Built Alliance
PO Box 2594
Asheville, NC 28802
Office Address
1 Haywood St, 4th Floor, Office 463
Asheville, NC 28801
(Please call ahead to make sure we are available.)
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The work of Green Built Alliance in the community is led by our passionate and engaged staff and board of directors.
Nicolette Baglio
Membership & Green Built Homesnicolette@greenbuilt.org
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As the Membership and Giving Coordinator for the Green Built Alliance, Nicolette brings over a decade of entrepreneurial experience while living and working within the vibrant Asheville community. With a passion for all things eco-friendly and sustainable, Nicolette is dedicated to advocating for environmental responsibility with a commitment to developing an inclusive membership base and expanding the organization’s impact through strategic growth initiatives.
Nicolette has a proven track record of success in fundraising, revenue generation, and driving market growth, with a high proficiency in handling diverse responsibilities while fostering community action. Furthermore, her commitment to service, highlighted by her involvement with non-profit organizations over the past two decades, underscores her ability of cultivating meaningful relationships and leveraging her network to drive positive outcomes.
In 2009, Nicolette graduated from Meredith College in Raleigh with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, while minoring in Human Resources Management and Pre-Law. In Nicolette’s personal time, she enjoys eating her way through town, running, cooking, reading, thrifting, traveling, being in nature, and spending time with her loved ones and 3 fur-babies.
Kelvin Bonilla
Energy Savers Network Managerkelvin@greenbuilt.org
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Kelvin joined Green Built Alliance in the spring of 2020. A native of Honduras, Kelvin brings more than a decade of experience in the building-performance industry to the Energy Savers Network team.
He started his career with Green Opportunities, gaining vast experience in the field as a crew leader, mentor, and instructor in the classroom. He went on to work with Conservation Pros, a small locally owned building performance company. Kelvin has multiple professional certifications including BPI, HERS, Lead Safe Renovator, Class III Asbestos Worker, CPR instructor, and OSHA-30.
In his work with the Energy Savers Network, Kelvin wants to continue his passion working to reduce the energy consumption of homes in marginalized communities, which are often the most affected by climate change. He is truly passionate about building performance and applying triple-bottom-line principles to help affect positive change for the people in our local community who need it the most.
When he’s not trying to peek in the attic at a friend’s cookout, Kelvin enjoys giving back to the community and serves on the Board for ALAS (Asheville Latin Americans Achieving Success), a local Latinx nonprofit that strives to create Latinx leadership in Western North Carolina. He also loves exploring the outdoors with his daughters Sofia and Elizabeth, by hiking, camping, or jumping into freezing mountain water.
Hannah Egan
Outreach & Resource Managerhannah@greenbuilt.org
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Hannah Egan joined Green Built Alliance in early 2018 as an intern and was hired to work on staff later that year. She has since been learning about the nonprofit sector, green building, and energy efficiency. Hannah graduated from Appalachian State University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sustainable Development concentrated in Community, Regional, and Global Development.
Originally from just outside Baltimore, Hannah moved after college to New Zealand and then back home to Maryland before returning to the Blue Ridge Mountains. She is excited to lend her skills and education to an organization that is dedicated to creating a better built environment for the entire community.
When Hannah is not connecting with people in the community through Green Built Alliance, the Blue Horizons Project, or Energy Savers Network, she enjoys yoga, outdoor activities, supporting community agriculture, traveling, live music, cooking, and enjoying life with her cat Peaches.
Jamie Wine
Executive Directorjamie@greenbuilt.org
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Jamie joined Green Built Alliance in the spring of 2022. He hails most recently from New Orleans where he managed an education and outreach program for energy efficiency and building science across Louisiana. Before that, in Seattle, California and Boston, he developed nonprofit programs for varied audiences like students in grades K-12, ocean advocates, traffic engineers, community organizers, adults, families and youth.
Jamie is deeply committed to community empowerment through education, fighting the climate crisis, and bringing environmental peace to disadvantaged communities. While an executive decision is often easier, he believes a collaborative approach yields a more satisfying result.
Jamie studied marine biology and environmental studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and holds professional certifications in building performance, leadership development, public speaking and real estate.
When he’s not at Green Built Alliance, he likes to spend time with his partner, his daughter and 3 dogs on hikes, at the playground or splashing in the creek.