Sustainable Landscape Design

The first phase of Green Building is choosing your site and landscape. Here in WNC, we have an abundance of natural and native building materials that when used will not only improve your site but also benefit your community! Here is some useful information that will help you create a greener and more sustainable site as well as help you avoid invasive species, control erosion, and abide by sustainable landscape design techniques. More resources for this category are located in the Site & Landscape section of our Green Built Homes Certification Levels page — under Phase 1: Site & Landscape as well as our Sustainable Landscape Design Blog category page:

Erosion Control for Home Builders â€“ Erosion control is important even for home sites of an acre or less.

U.S. Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry – A great resource for information on urban forestry and smart growth.

Invasive Plant Species to Avoid – North Carolina Native Plant Society’s species list for exotic invasive plants to avoid in landscaping.

Jetson Green Landscaping – Interesting ‘green blog’ with eleven suggestions for Eco-friendly Landscape.

National Wildlife Foundation’s Garden for Wildlife Habitat Program – Create a beautiful NWF-Certified Wildlife Habitat backyard or garden that attracts wildlife while replacing grass and reducing chemicals.

Recommended Native Plant Species – North Carolina Native Plant Society’s Plant Gallery, Nurseries page, and Native Plant Handouts.

Permeable Pavements – Research links for permeable paving and more information for all types of permeable paving.

Green Patios, Walkways & Driveways of Permeable Pavers  – This overview article from Mother Earth News includes the benefits of permeable pavers, installation, and approximate costs.

Organic Growers School – Inspiring, educating, and supporting people to farm, garden, and live organically.